Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ebenalp, Switzerland

After very little sleep in the tent last night (see next post), we spent a couple of hours exploring Appenzell town today where we were the only non-German tourists and the only tourists under 70- years-old.

Toward the end of our visit, our very independent son ran to us for shelter after an elderly man nearly drowned him in a flood of German. As an aside, I consider this poetic justice since he a) is on a hunger strike because we make him order in German and b) was lagging behind when I ask him repeatedly to keep up.

After our impromptu lesson in saying "I'm sorry I don't speak German well" (It was a repeat lesson, but this time he paid attention.), we drove to Wasserauen which is at the base of Ebenalp Mountain and runs a cable car to the top. Well, a "cable car" is what they call it, and it looks like a cable car, but it has a near vertical lift, resembling more like Willy Wonka's elevator. This costs about $20 per person and ascends approximately 5,000 feet in no time at all, but so intimidating was this mode of transport that most in our party decided the alternate 1.5 hour hike to the top sounded more appealing.

The time approximated to hike any area is based upon the average elder person's time, but these must be ex-Olympic athletes because we made it in two hours and that was with very few photo ops, and one or two stops to "take in the view."

Once we came to the lodge in the first picture, we risked a full scale revolt if we didn't stop for lunch. So we did, and we found one elderly gentleman who passed us on the trail enjoying the second beer of his midday meal.

We have decided as a family to go into training beginning tomorrow morning.


© 2012 Nicole Wirth
Author of:  Letters to Salthill 


  1. This is so beautiful and I so relate...Even though it may not seem like it now, you are making wonderful memories. Your next career, Nicole, has to be that of a travelogue writer. xoxo
